Professional Schools at McMillan University

McMillan University offers degree and non-degree programs in today's most in-demand schools. The 16 schools that the university features have been developed after comprehensive industry research spanning years. As the aim of McMillan is to provide industry-responsive education, our 16 professional schools offer programs that are designed to lead you to a career that's meant for you.

List of Professional Schools at McMillan University


Why McMillan University

96% of employers rate the performance of McMillan graduates as "exceptional" or "proficient."
98% of McMillan students find their educational experience "outstanding."
About 70% of McMillan students are working professionals.
McMillan University is the first choice for working adults and jobseekers worldwide.
70% of McMillan graduates found better jobs within 3 months after graduation.
McMillan University's student base has grown up to 100% in the last 2 years.
A huge 98% of alumni rated McMillan career services as "extremely helpful."
McMillan's 24/7 student support services are ranked among the best in the world.
McMillan's financial aid is ranked among the best of today's top institutions.
Up to 80% of applicants qualify for McMillan's grants and scholarships.